This privacy policy concerns only the use of this website. If you are an existing client of this firm or become one your case will be conducted under the terms of the privacy policy which applies to the conduct of cases in which we are instructed.
When you instruct us you will be given details of our privacy policy including how we process your data.
As a general principle we respect the privacy of anybody who contacts us. If you contact via this website you agree to us contacting you with regard to the information provided.
The data you provide to us through this website allows us to:
We have professional duties as solicitors with regard to the use and retention of information including those implemented by the Code of Conduct of the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
The most important legislation concerning your rights over our processing of your personal information are found in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This sets out the requirement that we declare the lawful reason we are relying on when we process your personal data. We proceed on the basis that we have a legitimate interest in contacting you as a consequence of your use of our website.
Personal data may be stored by the website for a period of up to 90 days following which it will be removed automatically.
We do not pass your personal data such as your name, e-mail or postal address to any other individual or organisation without your specific authorisation unless required to do so by law or other regulation.
If you have any questions or complaints regarding the handling of your data as a consequence of use of this website you should at first instance contact the firm’s Senior Partner, Mr Bartalotta. If we cannot satisfactorily address your concerns we will provide you with the details of the Information Commissioner’s Office which has the supervisory responsibility to ensure compliance with the GDPR.
As we use Google Analytics to monitor the use of the website in order that we can maintain and improve our service we will be required to pass to Google your IP address but no other information. Google will use this information to prepare site usage reports for us but it may also share this information with other of its services. One way Google might use the data is to contextualise and personalise the advertisements of its own advertising network.
If you have any concerns we suggest that you visit Google’s website.